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[ Eesti keeles ]   [ in English ]

Source amount:
Tax free minimum (2250 kr/mo):
Unemployment insurance (1.4 + 2.8 %):
Funded pension (2%):
Total cost: 13 440,00 kr
Gross pay: 10 000,00 kr
Net pay: 8 151,30 kr
Social tax: 3 300,00 kr
Income tax (21%): 1 568,70 kr
Unemployment tax (employer): 140,00 kr
Unemployment Tax (eployee): 280,00 kr
Funded pension tax: (ei arvesta)
Payed Out to the Employee: 8 151,30 kr (60,6%)
Payed Out to Tax Board: 5 288,70 kr (39,4%)
Total Cost for Company: 13 440,00 kr (100,0%)

From the 8 151,30 kr, that each employee receives, we pay also value added tax (20/120*100%)! So from the hard earned cash we get to spend only 50,5% and the govement gets 49,5%!

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